// ==UserScript== // @name ChatGPT撑开页面宽度 // @namespace https://greasyfork.org/ // @version 1.1.7 // @description 将页面宽度展开 // @author Await // @match https://chat.openai.com/ // @match https://chat.openai.com/c/* // @match https://chat.openai.com/?* // @license MIT // ==/UserScript== (function () { "use strict"; const newMaxWidth = "90rem"; const targetClassName = ".xl\\:max-w-3xl"; const targetClass = "flex flex-col text-sm dark:bg-gray-800"; const desiredMinWidth = 1280; const styleId = "await-max-width"; const btnId = "await-btn"; // const btnSvgId = "await-svg"; const btnShowTipId = "await-show-tip"; const textClass = "await-text"; const cacheKey = "await-cache"; const cacheOpenStateKey = "await-cache-open-state"; const cacheCloseStateKey = "await-cache-close-state"; const attributeKey = "await-attribute"; const bodyClass = "antialiased"; const maxCount = 10; const gptTextareaId = "prompt-textarea"; function setCache(key, value) { localStorage.setItem(key, value); } function getCache(key) { return localStorage.getItem(key); } function getByClass(className) { const func = function (name) { return document.getElementsByClassName(name); }; return gets(func, className); } function getById(id) { const func = function (id) { return document.getElementById(id); }; return gets(func, id); } function gets(fun, name, count = 0) { const btn = fun(name); if (!btn) { if (count > maxCount) { return null; //防止死循环 } setTimeout(function () { return getById(id, count); }, 1000); } return btn; } function styleCreate() { const style = document.createElement("style"); style.innerHTML = ` .${styleId} { max-width: ${newMaxWidth} !important; } .${btnId}{ right:2.8rem; background-color:transparent !important; } .${textClass}{ } `; document.head.appendChild(style); } function mutationOB() { // 创建MutationObserver实例 const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { // 在这里处理每个mutation for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if ( mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "style" ) { const newStyle = targetElement.getAttribute("style"); // 判断样式是否为空 if (!newStyle) { // 在样式变为空时执行a方法 a(); } else { // 在样式被添加值时执行一些操作 // 比如执行其他方法b b(); } } } }); // 配置观察器选项 const config = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }; // 开始观察目标元素 observer.observe(targetElement, config); } function bodyClassFunc() { const body = getByClass(bodyClass)[0]; if (!body) { return; } const observer = new MutationObserver((mutationsList, observer) => { for (const mutation of mutationsList) { if ( mutation.type === "attributes" && mutation.attributeName === "style" ) { const newStyle = body.getAttribute("style"); if (!newStyle) { btnClickAdd(true); btnClick(true); } } } }); const config = { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ["style"] }; observer.observe(body, config); } function btnClickAdd(tt = false) { const promptTextarea = getById(gptTextareaId); if (!promptTextarea) { if (!tt) { return; } else { setTimeout(function () { btnClickAdd(tt); }, 1000); return; } } promptTextarea.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterend", ` ` ); if (!promptTextarea.hasAttribute(attributeKey)) { const cache2 = getCache(cacheKey); if (cache2 === cacheOpenStateKey) { openSvg(); } else { closeSvg(); } run(); promptTextarea.setAttribute(attributeKey, true); } else { if (tt) { setTimeout(function () { btnClickAdd(tt); }, 1000); } } } function removeStyle(el) { el.style.transition = "max-width 1s"; setTimeout(function () { el.style.transition = ""; }, 1000); el.classList.remove(styleId); } function editStyle(el) { el.style.transition = "max-width 1s"; setTimeout(function () { el.style.transition = ""; }, 1000); el.classList.add(styleId); } function openSvg() { const btn = getById(btnId); //替换btn的svg btn.innerHTML = ""; btn.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", `还原` // `撑开` ); const create = getById(`${btnId}-open`); setCache(cacheKey, cacheOpenStateKey); if (!create.hasAttribute(attributeKey)) { create.addEventListener("click", function () { closeSvg(); run(); }); create.setAttribute(attributeKey, true); } } function closeSvg() { const btn = getById(btnId); btn.innerHTML = ""; btn.insertAdjacentHTML( "afterbegin", `撑开` ); setCache(cacheKey, cacheCloseStateKey); const create = getById(`${btnId}-open`); if (!create.hasAttribute(attributeKey)) { create.addEventListener("click", function () { openSvg(); run(); }); create.setAttribute(attributeKey, true); } } function checkCache() { const cache = getCache(cacheKey); if (!cache) { setCache(cacheKey, true); } } function setStyle(cache, el) { if (cache === cacheOpenStateKey) { editStyle(el); } else { removeStyle(el); } } function getNav(count = 0) { const nav = document.querySelector("nav"); if (!nav) { if (count > maxCount) { return null; } setTimeout(function () { return getNav(count); }, 1000); } return nav; } function showTip() { const toggleButton = getNav(); if (!toggleButton) { return; } toggleButton.insertAdjacentHTML( "beforeend", `
` ); const btn = getById(btnShowTipId); if (!btn.hasAttribute(attributeKey)) { btn.addEventListener("click", function () { runAll(); }); setTimeout(function () { btn.remove(); }, 10000); btn.setAttribute(attributeKey, true); } } function btnClick(tt = false) { const toggleButton = getNav(); if (!toggleButton) { if (!tt) return; else { setTimeout(function () { btnClick(tt); }, 1000); return; } } if (!toggleButton.hasAttribute(attributeKey)) { toggleButton.addEventListener("click", function () { setTimeout(function () { runAll(); btnClick(); }, 1000); }); toggleButton.setAttribute(attributeKey, true); } else { if (tt) { setTimeout(function () { btnClick(tt); }, 1000); } } } function checkForm() { var elementForm = document.querySelectorAll("form"); if (!elementForm || elementForm.length === 0) { setTimeout(function () { checkObserver(); }, 1000); return; } const cache = getCache(cacheKey); elementForm.forEach(function (element) { if (element.className.indexOf("xl:max-w-3xl") > -1) { setStyle(cache, element); } }); } function checkObserver() { var parentElement = document.getElementsByClassName(targetClass)[0]; if (!parentElement) { setTimeout(function () { checkObserver(); }, 1000); return; } const cache = getCache(cacheKey); parentElement.querySelectorAll(targetClassName).forEach(function (flexDiv) { setStyle(cache, flexDiv); }); var observer = new MutationObserver(function (mutations) { mutations.forEach(function (mutation) { if (!document.contains(parentElement)) { observer.disconnect(); console.log("parentElement 被移除"); return; } mutation.addedNodes.forEach(function (addedNode) { if (addedNode instanceof Document || addedNode instanceof Element) { var flexDivList = addedNode.querySelectorAll(targetClassName); flexDivList.forEach(function (flexDiv) { setStyle(cache, flexDiv); }); } }); }); }); var config = { childList: true, subtree: true }; observer.observe(document.body, config); // observer.observe(parentElement, config); } function runAll() { btnClickAdd(); } function run() { checkForm(); checkObserver(); } window.addEventListener("resize", runAll); window.onload = function () { if (window.innerWidth < desiredMinWidth) { return; } checkCache(); bodyClassFunc(); styleCreate(); showTip(); btnClick(); setTimeout(function () { runAll(); }, 2000); }; })();